Sunday, April 26, 2009

When will the rain stop?

It has been raining for a couple of days now, and I do not like it. I have been diligently waiting for warm weather and got a taste of it on Friday (85 and humid), but it is gone. I need to go work this afternoon, but am at home with the kids while dh is hanging out with a friend. I am making a chalice pendant, and it is kind of going slow, but coming along. I do not care for the base, but can not figure what to do to change it at present. I am also not sure how I am going to set the stone that is the flame because they want it partially recessed in the cup... hmmm.

Anticipation. Waiting brings out the fidgety apathy in me. My brain gets a bit foggy and I get in a loop of checking my email for nothing in particular. Good thing I did last night, though, because I was able to sell a ring. Trying to break the cycle today because I think it is unlikely to happen again today.

Kids are back inside because they felt rain and it is cold. My foot is swollen- but not as bad as a couple of days ago. Supposedly, the heat was supposed to make the chillblains stop, but it seemed to have the reverse effect. It was really yucky after wearing cute boots with heals, so no more heals-meh. Alright, friends woke up from nap... somewhere to go get out of the house and stop the cabin fever.

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